A big Yellow Bus

It is 5:30 am and I am still in the sleeper bus. As usual, the little blue pill put me out for 7 hours. I should have probably waited until 10pm, now find myself up with the sunset. The bus…

Stangers in the night

Well…. Here is an update!! Last night I returned to the hotel to find that my former night receptionist was lack in his duties and let the brand new night receptionist look after everything by himself….. Well guess what happened??…

The doctor is in

Ray suggested a darn good topic. See folks!! A little input helps. Any more ideas?????  Anyway….Healthcare and access to doctors can be of a big concern to some and not to others. Let us start at the lowest level. Pharmacies…

Hell in a hand basket

Thankfully the banging and the grinding is supposed to come to an end tomorrow. Did I mention? The construction crews next door are chiseling the walls to run the electrical system. It has driven some customers away, but others have…

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