All about friends now and future.

Riding to school

There is some kind of hatch going on and clouds of different sized ants are being attracted to the lobby lights. Of course, the geckos are having a feast, and tomorrow they will be stuffed from today’s smorgasbord.  That poses a little problem for the human folk. Geckos go to the bathroom also, and you do not want to be walking under them when they let go. I have already had the unpleasant experience of droppings landing on my paperwork.

Today I have done a little reflecting on Friends and how a person meets them. If you live in a country like mine, most friendships are developed in school and last a lifetime. Sure you may meet some people in the work place, but they are few and far between. The tearing away from my roots and starting all over has had an unexpected effect that I could have never imagined. It is almost like being in high school again. I have had the honor of meeting a lot of people and a number of them have become my friends. I


 would hazard to say that I have more now than at any point in my life. Shortly after I arrived, I was joined by Brad and Ken, two friends that were with me during the transition from home to here. And then it all started with comment on my blog from a guy called Drifter. His comment was that I was living his dream. I had no idea who this person was but Drifter one day showed up on my doorstep and we became friends. It all started there. Of course I had met some fellows here, but had not become close. At that time I had only been here a couple of months. Now 7 months have passed, and it is like high school all over again. People come into you life and a person has only a short time to know them before judging them as a friend or an acquaintance. Since then I have had the honor to meet some very nice people. Some have become friends that I see on a regular basis such as Carl, Bill, and Wayne. Others were here for a short time, but I feel as they are friends and one day will become closer ones. People such as Mark, and Lloyd. There are also some Vietnamese people I have developed a relationship with that are becoming very good friends. I truly feel like I am in high school again and never know where the next friend will appear from. It could be from anywhere in the world. Cool Huh?

Amazingly, we had power today. What a pleasant surprise. The hotel is full and the people are happy. This is exactly the way I would like to keep things. As usual there was a toilet emergency and an air conditioner that was not functioning, but that is now part of life.

I have an upcoming trip to Saigon to meet with some people from New Zealand. We will spend a day or two in the Mekong before

Rice fields

 heading back to NhaTrang. IT has been a few months since I have been there, and I am running out of photo’s to show. I was quite surprised that I had uploaded over 1500. Wow!! I had no idea I had taken that many.

There has been a change yet again in the statistics. As usual the readership has increased with the majority of them being from the United States. The US now far outnumbers all of the other readers. It was not so long ago when they were way behind Canada and Vietnam. Thank you all for your continued interest, I will do my best to come up with some new and interesting topics to write about, but for now, I take the day off and try to learn about football with some guests from Holland.

Oh…… and random pictures.

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